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Associate Pastor Articles


First things first. Thank you for your interest in pursuing this section of “Resources” – “Articles.”  You’re here in search of understanding or clarity of a Bible passage or verse and how it might apply to or impact your own life. You will find - in a true commitment to Bible study, that commentaries [found in a study Bible] are most helpful for instruction. Perhaps you’re here out of curiosity, which, by the way, is the foundation of research and true Bible study. No matter the reason, I am prayerful that you will be encouraged and thus blessed by any article you select.

Please listen and adhere to this first bit of wisdom: The Christian not only can, but will, encounter false teachings.

The Scriptures tell us, to “beware of false prophets, false spirits,” as found in 1st John 4:1-6.   Also, the Book of Matthew 7:15, tells us, “Beware, of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits” (works).   One more: Matthew 24:24, “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”  What this means: The Christian must be responsible, during his/her Christian life, knowing that Jesus and His apostles and disciples experienced the same false prophets in their time in their respective ministries. Having listened to teachings or sermons, make it a ritual to go to your Bible and a reliable and trusted teacher or pastor and verify the truth.

In the course of my ministry, I’ve learned that as teachers and preachers of the Word of God, we are each held, by God, to a higher standard of responsibility in handling His Word.  As the Holy Spirit has led me, I’ve made the preparation of Articles a part of my ministry. It began with preparing articles for the weekly church bulletin. How do I select the topic of each bulletin?  The answer: Prayer, for every bulletin, letting the Holy Spirit lead me. It may be to target a current issue, whether worldly or spiritually, addressing any number of issues or concerns, it may be connected with a holiday celebration, or it may interact with the pastor’s sermon.

When researching any topic, I consult numerous reliable and trusted resources in addition to searching the Scriptures, and different Bible translations, Bible dictionary, and other sources, thus compiling a brief yet powerful teaching, which encourages one to research for him/her self. Having received encouraging feedback, we have chosen to make these articles a part of our website.


My prayer:  Father God, thank You for the privilege of serving You. Thank You for my Salvation and promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ (John 14:6, John 3:16-17) and for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Thanking You for the opportunity to share the gifts You have bestowed upon those of us who are devout teachers and preachers and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. My prayer for the reader of this mission statement is – if they haven’t already – each one will seek a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, today! In Jesus name we pray these things. Amen

Ron Herhuth

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